
Image courtesy of Cyclist.com

Ah, yes - the ever pesky ‘New Years Resolution.’ Full of hope, a week out from 2024, you’re thinking about your biggest resolutions; run a 100-miler, get a new job, become a ‘morning person.’ You’ve set some lofty goals, many that - unfortunately - fall into the ‘New Year, New Me’ category (it’s just really cliché, but we get it) - but how do you firmly plant yourself in the 9% of Americans that actually stick to their goal for 365 days?

Top Articles for New Years Goal Setting & Resolutions:

  • Be Methodical About It. The key to successful goal setting, and sticking to your New Years Resolutions is create an achievable plan with a clear path of how to reach your end goal. Shoot for the stars with your goals, but make sure you have “mini goals” along the way, so you can get some gratification in your pursuit.

  • Consistency is Key. There’s a reason the ole ‘Get Back On The Bandwagon’ saying is overdone. If you falter in achieving your goal during the year, you can still get back on the bandwagon, and get it done. Missing your goal by a hair is FAR better than throwing in the towel in February because you missed 2 days of running/cycling.

  • Get Super Specific. Your goal doesn’t have to be the generic ‘I want to run a half marathon in 2024’ or ‘I want to go sub 12 hours in a 100 mile MTB.’ There are so many different types of goals out there that can result in getting stronger physically or mentally as an endurance athlete.

  • Know That You’re Not Alone. You would think professional athletes have it all figured out; they’re already fast, toned and (probably) financially set. Why would they need a NY resolution? Goal setting is imperative to self-improvement, and even elite athletes want something achievable to strive for. As added motivation, know that just because you miss a goal, or in your eyes ‘fail’, professional athletes experience that same letdown. We can all choose to get back up and keep going.

👇Listen to a Cadence-recommended Playlist: This playlist can double as both your New Year’s Eve party jam, and your New Year’s Day Resolution Run. Here’s hoping that you don’t get too tipsy and actually make it out the door on January 1 this year.

The Anti-New Years’ Resolution: Stop Goal-Setting?

Motivational Movies

For those of us that might be stuck in the house, are on a plane headed home from Christmas vacation, or had 1 too many sugar cookies, below is a great list of movies that will get even the biggest coach potato wanting to change their world.

🏎️Grand Turismo: Yes, this movie is based on the true story of a kid that turned his love for video gaming into a pretty successful career as an actual race car driver. It’s a great reminder to dream big, chase your dreams relentlessly and be crazy enough to believe in yourself when everybody else doesn’t. Plus it has an epic soundtrack.

🧗Free Solo: Another based on a true story. Alex Honnold, world-renowned rock climber decides to take on a feat that no other human had attempted - free climbing El Capitan in Yosemite National Park.

"FREE SOLO is less about climbing than it is about living. An extraordinary gift to everyone who believes that the limit of human achievement is far from being reached." - The New York Times.

🚣‍♀️True Spirit: Sailing around the world is an accomplishment so few humans have undertaken - much less succeeded. Now imagine you’re the youngest girl in the world to do it, and you have dyslexia, and pretty much everyone thinks not only are you going to epically fail, but that you and your parents are idiots for even trying. This movie encapsulates the meaning of having an unbreakable spirit, being comfortable being uncomfortable, and staying fearless when faced with the unknown.

Performance Of The Week(end): Santa’s Worldwide Tour

Santa is the ultimate endurance athlete, clocking approximately 424,843,108 miles to deliver presents to everyone on the Nice List. BTW, If you put your race bib on your back, then you’re automatically on the Naughty List.

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