Week 43

As we approach another Olympics cycle - the PanAm Games, airing now through early November, is a great opportunity to see some of your favorite athletes compete in their respective sports. While many of us have cut the cable cord, you can find these livestreamed on the PanAm website; it’s the perfect distraction from your day job. Notable endurance sports to watch are open water swimming, marathon, mountain biking, BMX racing, shooting, archery, and triathlon. Watch the PanAm Games HERE!

In this week’s email:

  • The Dopest: Another athlete under investigation for doping (no, not smoking weed).

  • Positive Mindsets: Athletes with autism are crossing finish lines in unprecedented numbers.

  • Freebies: Roundup of free apps that are integrated with bike trainers for a more exciting workout - Netflix rides no mo’.

  • Elite Gear: Get yourself a massage gun - sitting at a desk, having shitty posture and being an endurance athlete are all valid reasons for giving yourself an at-home massage.

👇Watch a Cadence-recommended Vid: BTC - Bowerman Track Club - used to be a powerhouse, coveted, elite running club. Now, some of the most notable athletes are leaving in droves. Listen below to the latest BTC news & some speculation.

Funny Tweet/Insta/Reddit Post of the Week:

Thoughts on this? Or are fake names just as bad as banditing a race?

Race Results of the Week


No Doping: Doping has long been a dirty word - and dirty deed - in all endurance sports. The latest athlete to be under investigation is Sam Laidlow, long-distance triathlete. For those of us who aren’t elite athletes (and thus, not subject to drug testing), just know there’s a laundry list of requirements that must be fulfilled in an attempt to uphold the integrity of the sport. Elite athletes must voluntarily submit to drug testing post-race, randomly throughout the year (both in and off season), and submit TUEs (Therapeutic Use Exemptions) for medicine that could be mistaken for doping.

Don’t lose your Bike Fit(ness): If you’re living in a part of the world that is experiencing ✨Fall Vibes✨ and you’re no longer turning to your bike for an outdoor workout, you know that trainer rides are now upon us. Don’t lose your fitness this winter, and ride indoors (for free).

Hyperice Massage Gun: Use your Prime 2-day shipping for something good for you this week - THIS Hypervolt is $100 off; it’ll make you feel like the elite Weekend Warrior you always wanted to be. Bonus points if you bring this to Masters Swim practice next week and offer to use it on all your lane buddies.

Fuel Smarter: Yes, Lemon-Lime Gatorade any time is disgusting. Yes, eating 10 Salted Watermelon GUs during your half marathon is probably going to make you yak. Learn from the experts how to fuel - fueling can truly make or break your next endurance endeavor, so set yourself up for success and become a student of sports nutrition. We promise it’ll pay off.

It’s About Mindset: It’s long been said that in order to dream it, you have to see it first. In November 2020, Chris Nikic got that ball rolling for the Autism athletic community when he became the first known person to finish an IRONMAN. Now IM has a results class specifically for athletes with autism that are going the 70.3 or 140.6 distance.

🏃Bucket List Recs

Big training week behind ya and want to add something to your bucket list? Need something to kick your butt into high gear? Check out our endurance bucket list recs below and sign up for something you’ll probably regret when you’re doing a 20 mile training run in August in the Midwest.

  • Dig these Adventurous Digs: Cancel your AirBnB resys and book (or get on the waiting list) one of these insane hotel stays. These are just a few degrees higher on the list than the Mile High Club, or staying at that Super 8 off the highway in the middle of Nebraska.

  • 5150 Mont Tremblant: If tackling training for a long-distance tri sounds like a full-time job (it is), sign up for a short-y and still get the FULL experience of a world-class tri. We love Mont Tremblant, and we know you will too.

  • Climb Mt. Everest - Kind Of: If you’ve ever wanted to tackle the total elevation gain of Mt. Everest - without hiring a sherpa, flying to Nepal or getting frost bite, a 29029 event is the sickest second option. Climb the elevation of Mt. Everest by walking the “ups” of a Ski Hill, and ride the chair lift for the “downs.”

  • Danger, Will Robinson! Pack your volleyball, pay your $200/night for Survival Mode and be ferried to a literal deserted island to live out your Survivor fever dreams.

Performance Of The Week(end)

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