Week 27

The River Seine, where both the triathlon and marathon swimming events at the Paris Olympic are slated to take place, is STILL causing major drama for the Games. As late as last week, The Seine is still testing positive for E-Coli - something that would shut down any self-respecting body of water in the States. So far, the Olympic Committee seems pretty…well… committed to swimming in this social media-declared cesspool.

In this week’s email:

  • Sydney’s World Record: Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone is unstoppable on the track - she makes the competition look like they’re walking.

  • Des Linden’s Party: Des may not be competing at the Trials this year - but she sure knows how to host one hell of a runner party + shake out run.

  • Which Gatorade Are YOU? Which Gatorade logo are you - we personally love the vintage throwback. Put it on a hoodie and send it on it’s way.

  • PortaJohn Nightmare: Not only do portos smell absolutely atrocious in the summer, it’s our worst nightmare to get trapped in one. This two-time Olympian experienced our nightmare and STILL qualified for the Olympics.

👇Listen to a Cadence-recommended Pod: Doping, once again, has a spotlight in the upcoming Olympics - this time, in swimming. We’re anti-doping, just for the record.

Post of the Week:

Race Results of the Week:


Granny Power: Olympic Dreams don’t get put away with age - this bad ass lady has competed for Team USA in Race Walking in 1992, 1996 and 2000 and, in 2024 - has just qualified for her forth Olympics. Incredible.

Goodest Boys: The U.S Olympic Team Trials for swimming has concluded in Indy - and the good boys that protect and paw-trol the Indianapolis International Airport got some podium time of their own.

TRI HARD Alert: Most 16 year old triathletes are getting bankrolled by their parent’s bank account. Nicholas, pictured below, is going the self-funded route and is decked out by AliExpress - the Chinese knockoff website. Not sure if we’d trust getting on an AliExpress Tri Bike Special…

Safety in the water: Swim safety goes above and beyond knowing how to swim, escape a dangerous water situation, and knowing when/who to call for help. Next time, consider what color swimwear you (or your kiddos) wear in the pool - it could help save a life.

Work Smarter, Not Harder: This is a classic case of “someone just wanted to buy the toy” - but it’s still pretty damn cool. These little Track Town Vans are equipped to retrieve field event implements and return them to the staging area via RC. They’re ssssss’cute!

Performance Of The Week(end): Brittany Shamere Brown, newly-minted Olympian and a hard-f*king worker.

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