Week 22

Allie Ostrander was an outstanding runner at the collegiate level, and then transitioned to professional running. She’s still just as outstanding as an athlete, but has forged her own path in her elite career. After struggling with an eating disorder (while training for the Olympic Trials in 2020), she turned to trail running and cross country during her ‘rebuild’ season, and honestly - we’re here for it. She got back to the core of what’s important; that running is fun, and it’s something you GET to do - not have to do it. Watch Allie as she chases her Olympic Dreams.

In this week’s email:

  • Electrolyte Coffee: Bean water really isn’t hydrating…or is it? This runner-focused coffee (somehow) has infused electrolytes into their flavored coffee beans. We’re willing to give it a try.

  • Doping How-To: Nothing more damning than written and verbal instructions on how to dope in the off-season and avoiding getting caught.

  • Free IM Entry: If you competed in 70.3 Morro Bay, you may be entitled to compensation…IM is giving DNFers free entry into 2025.

  • Beer Mile Record Holder: 4 beers, 4 laps in 4:28 & now Corey is transitioning to TRI, naturally.

👇Listen to a Cadence-recommended Pod: Simply put; the Olympics are a money pit. There’s been quite a few ‘flops’ in modern Olympic history where host countries failed to meet expectations of the IOC & athletes and provided a less-than-stellar experience. Paris is kind of…make or break for the future of the Olympics.

Post of the Week:

Race Results of the Week


Steeplechase History: What started off as originally a horse showmanship sport at some point in time, spun off and is now an incredibly popular track & field event. But how did it REALLY come to be? Read about it here.

300,000 Condoms: Apparently, there was an intimacy ban since the 2020 Olympics. We knew nothing of the sorts; until we read that the ban is being lifted and 300k condoms are being provided to Olympians ready to get it on. 😉

Eat Pasta, Run Fasta’: If your go-to pre-race dinner is bleached spaghetti noodles, a jar of red sauce and some Texas Toast garlic bread…well we want to be friends (that’s our go-to meal too).

Cheez-Its: OK; yes, the Cheez-It Diner was short-lived and has already shuttered their doors. However, we couldn’t resist including this in our line up this week. Cheez-Its are a nostalgic, but tasty snack & at this diner; Cheez-Its were the STAR of the menu. We love it, but wish they could’ve stayed open a little longer (yes, we know this was a publicity stunt).

Stay Hydrated: With just a few ingredients, you can have yourself a delicious, refreshing & hydrating drink. Drink this before, after or during your workout (although if you spilled it on yourself, it’s a bit sticky) for a pick-me-up that’s not only good tasting, but good for you - something that’s exceedingly hard to come by these days.

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