
“Time is either spent wisely, or it is just spent. Second after second; minute after minute; moment after moment... they’re all there for the taking. All you need is a simple machine that that defies boundaries and knows no limits. This is Return to Earth, the ninth feature from award-winning adventure filmmakers Anthill Films. A cinematic journey that will immediately transport you into that feeling of total immersion you get on a bike ride. Fly through the lush coastal jungles of Oahu. Feel the dust from Utah’s otherworldly landscapes. Lose yourself in the untouched mountains of Patagonia. Connected by true to life examples set by some of the sport’s biggest athletes, unsung shredders and up-and-coming youth, Return to Earth proves that when we lose track of time, we can make the most of it.” -MTBFilms via Youtube
Since 1998, we’ve been empowering women through fitness and beyond as the OG of female-first activewear. Our bold prints and flattering leggings are designed to move with you, from HIIT to hikes. With over 8,000 five-star reviews, our Power leggings are a must-have, while our Zero Gravity tights were named ‘Best Leggings’ by Women’s Running Awards.
👇Listen to a Cadence-recommended Playlist: Lately, we’ve been feeling super nostalgic. There’s just something about the 2015-2018 music scene that gets the people going. This playlist is an instant classic and such a jam for your next run or cycle.
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Watch to see what it takes for a professional cyclist to tackle ‘The Whole Enchilada’:
Participate in a Tri Study: Triathlete magazine is asking for YOUR input as an age-grouper triathlete. Fill out this survey and see what the ‘state of the [triathlon] union’ is for us endurance folk. No politics, thank God. Fill out the survey HERE.
✅Home Videos: In the endurance world, GoPro cameras have kind of been the gold standard for endurance and extreme sport athletes. Honestly, after watching this video, our minds are wandering to DJI…which camera really is the best?
✅Bad Burritos Coming Back: Shelby Houlihan served a 4 year ban from USATF sanctioned events due to testing positive for banned substances - something she blamed on eating a bad burrito with tainted meat. Now, her ban is up and she hit the racing circuit - literally - running, with a win at the Razorback Invitational her first weekend back. Watch her come back story below.
✅1000KM across Asia: “Witness an extraordinary feat of human endurance and compassion. Follow Natalie Dau (@rockstararms) she embarks on a 1,000km Guinness World Record run across Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore over 12 days. This inspiring documentary captures her unwavering determination, the challenges she overcomes, and the heartwarming connections she forges with people along the way. A testament to the power of human spirit and the beauty of unity.” -Project 1000 via Youtube
✅Backyard Ultramarathoning: During COVID, backyard ultramarathoning became extremely popular, and for ultrarunners that don’t aspire to run 100 miles on a single loop course - it’s a welcomed trend that’s here to stay. Learn more about it below.
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